Our Parent Dogs
Sweet Maple Leaf has turned out such an appropriate name for
Miss Maple. She is pure sweetness. She gives lots of hugs and would rather
cuddle than play. I never have to go looking for her because she is always two
steps behind me. She is AKC registered Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel. She has a deep ruby silky coat
of hair. She comes from 3 generations of
ruby and black/tan cavaliers. We expect
her cavachon puppies to be shades apricot to dark ruby with a possibility of a
black/tan baby! Maple weighs 14 lbs, is health cleared by our veterinarian.
Ivy is our F1 cavachon. Maple is mother and Olaf is her father. Ivy is so smart and loving. Her favorite place is in our lap or by our feet unless we are up to playing fetch!! She loves to play and would always stay by our side if possible. Her weight is 20 lbs. Her cavapoochon puppies will be beautiful and just as smart and loving as she is! We expect shades of apricot to red colored puppies with some Blenheim color mixes as well . They should have a little curlier non shedding coat. We can’t wait to love on these sweet babies!!
Meadow is an 14 pound AKC cavalier king charles spaniel. She is full of love and a precious doggie to us. She wants to be by our side all the time. She is Ruby colored with beautiful white markings. She has 4 white paws and a white chest and white on her head and neck and chin. We love her to pieces and she has some of the most beautiful cavapoo puppies!!
River is our F1 cavachon. She is our smallest dog weighing in at less than 10 lbs. Her cavapoochon puppies on the smaller side between 10 and 15 pounds typically and will beautiful. We expect shades of apricot to red colored puppies with some Blenheim color mixes as well . They should have a curly non shedding coat. We can’t wait to love on these sweet babies!!
Bear is the 1st poodle at Red Top Mountain Puppies and we are just smitten. He is AKC registered poodle. His fluffy soft red coat is irresistible with it's little patch of white on the chest. And he is just as smart as he is beautiful. He is eager to please and easy to train. We sometimes call him the "chill puppy" because he has a calm about him. He has a playful side but is not hyper active. We are SO pleased with beauty and temperament he brings to our puppies.